Part1 话题的 number 怎么解

哈尔滨编辑 2021-10-26 14:13

2020 年 1-4 月新一季的雅思口语话题中 part1 新增 14 个话题,在这之中很多题都是跟我们学习生活相关的,比如 pen/pencil, art, number, science, cake 等等,很多同学会觉得 其中 number 数字个话题非常不好回答,感觉几个字就说完了,那到底怎么样才能做到 speak at length,回答 15-25 秒呢? 我们首先来看一下 number 这个话题下设的 4 个小问题,1. What’s your favorite number? 

你最喜欢的数字是什么?2. Are you good at remembering phone numbers? 你记电话号码 快快?3. Do you usually use numbers to do something? 你是不是经常用数字来帮助你 

做些什么? 4. Are you good at math? 你数学好吗?这些问题我们一个个来解决。 

1. What’s your favorite number? 

Useful expressions: 

superstition([.suːpə(r)'stɪʃ(ə)n] n.迷信) 

superstitious [.suːpə(r)'stɪʃəs] adj.迷信的 

be the complete opposite 完全相反 

lucky number 幸运数字 

lucky charm 幸运符 

connotation [.kɒnə'teɪʃ(ə)n] 隐含意义 

说到最喜欢的数字其实很多人就会想到某个数字对自己来说可能是 lucky number,比如 

在西方文化里会有 Lucky 7 的说法,因为很多宗教会认为彩虹有 7 种颜色,一周有 7 天,所以 7 是一个相对来说很圆满的数字。而在中国我们会比较喜欢 6 和 8,讨厌 4,也是由于它们的寓意,那么这其实就是一种迷信你,当然也可以说你和大多数人相反,不迷信就是喜欢 

4,或者你根本就不迷信所以没有喜欢的数字。这里给大家提供 2 个版本(有和没有)的答案。 

Sample answer: 

Well, I don’t really have a favorite number. For me, having to have a favorite number is 

like wearing a lucky charm, it’s superstitious. Some people say it can bring good luck, but I don’t buy it, since your luck has nothing to do with a number. 

Um, I’d say my lucky number is 6, which means everything goes well in China, the good 

connotation sometimes can bring people motivation and strength. Besides, when you did some excellent, people will say triple 6 to you, so that’s an inspiring number for me.2. Are you good at remembering phone numbers? 

Useful expressions: 

memorize 11-digit mobile phone numbers in a flash 快速记住 11 位数字的电话号码 

pride oneself on 引以为傲 

degrade 衰退 

working memory 短期记忆 

wrack my brain 绞尽脑汁 


reasons, examples 或者 details 即可。如果是擅长,那可以怎么延伸呢?比如: 我还比较年轻记忆力好;我有一些技巧(记电话号码 443/344 分段记忆)。如果不擅长,那更多的可能需要说明为什么,比如(我对数字不敏感,没有记忆的天赋,只能短期记忆事件长了就忘了等等)。这里给大家提供 2 个版本的答案。 

Sample answer: 

Yeah of course, I really pride myself on having a good memory, since I’m able to 

memorize 11-digit number in a flash. All I need to do is to repeat them for several times, and it’ll go straight to my working memory. 

Not really, as I grow older, my memory starts to degrade gradually. I wracked my brain, 

trying to remember the numbers, but it turned out that I’d forget it the other day, maybe I just didn’t use the right technique. 

3. Do you usually use numbers to do something? 

Useful expressions: 


accounting, finance, computer science, statistics 统计学, auditing 审计学 

financial statement 财务报表 

make a chart 制定表格 

demographic data 人口数据 


check the time/calculate price 

a sharp/steep discount 大折扣很多学生会觉得这道题“无话可说”,我每天好像用了数字,又好像没有用,很困惑。那 么这道题有两个思路,如果你的学习专业有跟数字打交道,那么就可以解释你在学习中怎么 

用到它,比如 make financial statement, make a chart of …等等。那如果与专业无关,那就想日常生活中会使用的场景,比如 check the time, calculate sth. in my head/with calculator 等等。这里给大家提供 2 个版本的答案。 

Sample answer: 

Definitely, although my study/work isn’t numeracy-related, I still use it on a daily basis, for instance, checking the time is what I’m always doing, besides, I’d also use my calculator on my phone to calculate the price when there’s a steep discount. 

Yes, I’ve been studying auditing for 2 years in my college, and dealing with all kinds of 

data is more like a daily routine for me, for instance, analyzing the financial statement and demographic data, and finishing all kind of chart assignment given by our teacher. 

4. Are you good at math? 

Useful expressions: 

Algebra ['ældʒɪbrə] 代数 

Geometry [dʒiː'ɒmətri] 几何 

stump 使迷惑 

have the flair for 对…有天赋

Achilles heel [əˈkili:z] 阿喀琉斯之踵, 致命要害 

up to scratch 达到标准 

be fed up with 受够了 

对这道题,老考鸭们应该会比较熟悉,这是我们前几季的题库中有 math 的话题。那么 




你不擅长(是阿喀琉斯之踵,听不懂数学题很困惑等等)。这里给大家提供 2 个版本的答案。 

Sample answer: 

I suppose so, my teacher told me that I have natural flair for math, mainly for the reason that I can solve out challenging algebra and geometry problems within a very short span of time. Besides, I always rank the first in the math exams.Not really, my math and numeracy skills are not up to scratch, it’s just like the Achilles heel for me when I was in high school. What’s more, math problems stumped me quite a lot, so I’ve been fed up with it.




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