《剑16》Test 1 Task 2
笔者稍加揣测大多数学生看到此题后的头脑风暴,应该多为诸如“人们闲的没事干、人们想知道过去的历史从而指导、过好现在生活“之类的说辞。请持此类观点的同学自行翻阅《剑16》后面贴上的考生范文,再来阅读本文,需时刻牢记题中的限定”they live in”。
Seeking novelty seems to be one facet of human nature that can hardly be bent. It prevails, even spreading to all walks of life, with discovering the history of residence no exception. Of course, reading materials or having a casual chat with people around will suffice.
☀ 开局的引入不用拖拖拉拉给人云里来雾里去的感觉,直接交待“笔者要干嘛“就行了。
☀ Lexis的雕琢不要刻意为了用词而用词,用得恰如其分就好,prevail, suffice你品品。
Body 1
Surrounded by various news, especially the marketplace gossip, most of us may be rather concerned with the ins and outs of our own real estate. An ordinary murder case that has been conducted in a community, if deliberately exaggerated, may easily stir us up, driving us to ardently probe into the history of this community, and such exploration goes beyond. Certainly, there are either instances where a house, after meticulous investigation, turns out to be a former residence of a celebrity or instances where a building finally proves to be a memorial to a particular person or a historic event. This can all be attributed to people’syearning for novelties. I have also been to ‘New Place’, the world-renowned dwelling of William Shakespeare in Stratford, where, on an annual basis, millions of patrons are fascinated by the fine arts of tragedies; I still feel perplexed why this literary lion, who is not so well-educated, is able to make it right HERE, and this curiosity always acts as an incentive to pay another visit.
☀ 首二句以“事件感“代入去回应人们的猎奇心理,这也是一种最常见的写作手法;
☀ 本段二三句中出现的语法现象值得一提:if从句的省略现象作插入语,后面there be句型中嵌套了either … or …的句间平行结构 (而且是从句的呼应平行)。还是非常建议同学们背诵及模仿使用的。如果句法不懂,就问你的写作老师吧;
☀ 本段的头两个句子的syntactic structure都十分高能,做好解构和模仿工作吧?定、状从用得好,你就能领略到写作世界的蔚然大观;
☀ “This can be attributed to ……“ 长句子之后嵌入一个短句。前面的句子内部信息较为密集,需要在此处刹个车、缓一下信息流淌速度,使得文章有张有弛;
☀ 机考已成大势所趋,一不小心就敲多了,但表意清晰、句子水平,考官会愿意读下去的,全文300字出头的文章笔者考场亲测有效,放心写,别跑题就成。同学们也可以读一下C16 T3后面官方附赠的sample answer, 也是350 words+,也不失为一篇不错的文章,分数不高,但是道理讲明白了就成。
Body 2
As to the research methods, reading materials or search information online is a commonplace. More precisely, it is due to the well-established database formed through geographical links that a person can easily get to the bottom of such residence, as long as it is not so rare and obscure. By the way, during the trip, I also talked a lot with some senior townsmen who have already familiarized themselves with the surroundings, and their jocular remarks shed a positive light on my misgivings.
☀ Lexis: 如果你的作文要7+,那么less common vocabulary, compound, and idiomatic expressions必不可少,如:well-established, get to the bottom of, familiarize sb. with sth., shed light on, jocular remarks等等;还有那个rare and obscure看见了么,修辞中的押尾韵 (consonance)。
☀ TR: “达意” (or “表意功能”)永远是雅思写作语言关的第1要义,追求极简与自然即可。
In conclusion, I argue that the main reason is people’s curiosity, no matter it is for a utilitarian or unconscious purpose, and that the methods have been detailed above.
☀ 只要实现了表意功能,结尾偷懒又如何?笔者也就推荐一句复合句完结就好。笔力不够就拆成两句也罢。
☀ 虽然全篇对于Task Response中reasons一支的回应,笔者仅抛出“猎奇“一词,但是经过body 1的详述后,结局分层为for utilitarian or unconscious purposes, TR也是OK的。
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