在我们part2的话题中其实会有很多话题是和旅行或出行相关的,比如Describe a person who often travels by plane描述一个经常做飞机出行的人,Describe an occasion when weather prevented you from something描述一次当天气阻止你做某一件事的情况,Describe an important journey that was delayed描述一个被延迟的重要的旅程,Describe a trip you took by public transport描述一次你坐公共交通出行的旅程,等等。
那么大家也知道在part3开始时,考官会说到:since we’ve been talking about …, and now I’d like to ask you one or two more general questions related to this。所有我们在part3会碰到的问题都是跟part2的话题和我们的答案相关的。描述一次旅行,大家可能觉得没有太大的难度,但是在part3的问题中,很多人会觉得在短时间内无法把自己的想法完整地表达出来。所以今天我们来补充一些相关的词汇以及给出3个典型的问题来帮大家分析一下回答的方法。
首先,我们可以选择在旺季(peak season)或淡季(slack season)去旅游,尤其是在黄金周(the golden week)通常都会非常地拥挤(crowded/be flooded/be seething with people)。尽管非常拥挤但是大多数的人还是会选择在旺季/黄金周去旅游,原因可能是什么呢?因为平时很忙(work around the work/be occupied with work/live a hectic life),只有黄金周或者假期才有时间和家人一起去旅游(have a 2-day holiday/a week-long holiday),然后就可以好好地放松自己(let one’s hair down/unwind/loosen up/chill out)。
其次,我们再来讨论一下,为什么人们会选择出去/出国旅游。还是原因类问题,思考从两个方面(内/外因):内因——人们的生活水平提高(living standard has improved significantly),可支配收入变得更多了(disposable income),因此他们时可以负担得起这些旅行费用的(afford the expense);外因——交通的便利和更多的交通方式(means of transport),方便、省钱、省时、省精力这些都可以是它带来的好处,此外一些国家政策的支持(governmental support)也使得人们选择国内/国外的旅行。
最后,关于旅行可以给我们带来的好处,除了大家很喜欢说的拓宽视野(泰国宽泛)之外还有什么呢?比如可以享受美景(enjoy the stunning/picturesque scenery/ the scenery is a feast for the eye),可以感受当地的风土人情(soak up the unique culture and customs there),或者就是给我无聊的生活增添一点乐趣(add some spice to mu dull and repetitive life)等等。
Do you prefer to travel or stay at home during holidays?
Sample answer:
I know that countless people today choose to take trips during holidays, but I’ll pass that. You see, every highly recommended place is seething with tourists, with prices of accommodation and transport doubling, even tripling. It’s really not value for money if I fork out on such trips that I’ll enjoy nothing but be bothered by a gaggle of tourists and spoilt landscape. Besides, it’s highly possible that I’ll be exhausted after a week-long travel and find it hard to shift back to the working mode. Therefore, I’d rather stay at home, letting my hair down by watching some movies or reading some books.
· countless: numerous,无数的,形容非常多。
· highly recommended: 极力推荐的。
· pass: 在打牌时,如果你说pass, 那就是指这个牌我不要,我放弃这一轮;在原文这里,则只“放弃假期”出行这个选择。
· be seething with: be flooded with 充满,挤满了…… 形容多。
· value for money: 物有所值的。
· fork out on sth: spend a lot of money on sth.
· a gaggle of: 一群,尤其指一群喧哗、吵闹的人。
· spoilt: spoil的过去分词,形容景色的话,一般指景色被毁坏、破坏;形容人的话,一般指被宠坏的。unspoilt land就是指那种尚未开放,还比较原生的地方,俗称的“处女地”。
· let one’s hair down: relax, unwind, loosen up, 都是指放松。
Where do Chinese people like to travel to?
Sample answer:
Well, it’s obvious that people have different tastes, say, inland citizens love to visit coastal cities cuz living near the sea is still fresh and exciting for them and the increasingly sound transport system, including the bullet trains and cheap flights, has made it possible for them to go further. However, others, especially younger people, like to travel in a faraway country, and thanks to the improved living standards, they have more disposable money to bear larger cost of journeys. Therefore, if time and money permit, visiting some places they've never been to tickles many Chinese people’s fancy.
· say: 作为插入语,表示for example, 例如。
· sound: 作形容词时可表示完善的,完好的。
· disposable money/income: 可支配性收入,一般指税后收入。
· bear: 这个词的意思非常多;作动词时表示支撑、支持;另外还有承受、忍受的意思(同stand)。
· tickle one’s fancy: 这个短语指那些让人觉得有意思、喜欢的事物。
Do people in your country like to have holidays?
Sample answer
I guess so. First of all, you know, a vast number of people are away from home in search of better money-making opportunities, and more often than not, they’re always working around the clock, so holidays are the only chance that they reunite with their families to enjoy some quality time, take trips with friends or just unwind at home. Apart from that, holidays, especially longer ones, provide people with opportunities to cross out hot spots on their bucket lists. I mean, younger people in China nowadays are more eager to explore the outside world; they want to visit a popular destination to feast their eyes with the beautiful landscape and soak up the unique culture and customs there. Holidays seem to have so much to offer; no wonder most people yearn for one.
· money-making opportunities: 挣钱的机会
· more often than not: very often
· work around the clock: be occupied with work, be busy with work, 指忙于工作;work around the clock相当于整天整夜都在工作的那种状态;经常加班的这种工作则可以用这个短语,更为形象。
· quality time: 通常用来形容与家人的珍贵时光
· unwind: loosen up, relax, let one’s hair down,放松
· bucket list: 遗愿清单,愿望清单
· feast one’s eyes: 让某人大饱眼福
· soak up: to enjoy feeling or experiencing (something pleasant) in usually a slow or relaxed way. 这个短语包含了享受和体验两层
· no wonder: it is not surprising that.... 难怪……
· yearn for: to have a strong desire for something, 渴望,盼望(尤其是不易实现或得到的东西)
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