对雅思阅读有所了解的同学们应该知道,无论何种题型,阅读考察的核心之一就是替换。一提及替换,同学们会马上想到近义或同义替换,如encourage和motivate,work together和cooperation(C14 T1 P3, Question 30);词性替换,如satisfied和satisfaction(C14 T1 P3, Question 33);解释或描述型替换,如preferential treatment和favoring one group over another (C14 T3 P1, Question 8), 上下义替换, 如air pollution 和carbon dioxide(C9 T3 P2, 多选题)。上述这些类型的替换,如果能准确辨识单词含义,替换基本能顺利完成。但除此之外,有些题目,尤其是较难的判断和匹配题型,替换较为隐晦,难以辨识,一来导致定位困难,速度变慢,二来在匹配或判断时造成很大的干扰,造成错判错选。因此,希望借由剑桥真题中下列几道同学们易错的替换示例,引起大家对与各种‘拐弯抹角’替换的重视,从而能在备考时,有意识地积累和总结替换规律,加深对替换的认知和敏感度,高效解题。
首先先看到两道判断题。C11 T1 P1的判断题Question 9,题目是Human beings are responsible for some of the destruction to food-producing land. 通过对the destruction to food-producing land进行替换,我们能定位到原文段的At present, throughout the world, over 80% of the land that is suitable for raising crops is in use. Historically, some 15% of that has been laid waste by poor management practices [destruction (破坏) - laid waste (荒废) ; food-producing (出产食物) - raising crops (种植和生长农作物)]。很多同学们在判断过程中,即使能准确将human beings和poor management practices翻译成对应的中文 (人类和糟糕的管理措施),却感觉两组词关系模糊,有些联系但又不完全一致,很难判断。根据柯林斯字典对于practice的英文释义something that people do regularly(人们定期采取的措施),可以得出poor management practices含义为人们定期采取但不合理的管理使用行为,和题目中所说的由于人类,观点是一致的,所以这道题判断结果为TRUE。
C11 T1 P1的判断题Question 10,题目是The crops produced in vertical farms will depend on the season. 题中的定位词有crops,vertical farms和crops,但这道题定位会比较难,因为原文从第二段开始都有提到vertical farms,crops和food crops也多次出现,由于season这个词一直没有出现,大部分同学会直接给出判断结果为NOT GIVEN。其实定位在第二段的If successfully implemented, proponents claim, vertical farms offer the promise of urban renewal, sustainable production of a safe and varied food supply (through year-round production of all crops),因为这句话中首先production of all crops 和题目中的The crops produced替换,更重要的是year-round这个词,是与 depend on the season的反义替换。year-round在柯林斯字典中的解释为year-round is used to describe something that happens, exists, or is done throughout the year (一整年都存在/发生). 换句话说,原文说农作物可以全年生产,也就是每个季节都能生产,不受季节的影响,所以和题目中生产依赖于季节的信息矛盾,答案为FALSE。
段落信息匹配题中,‘拐弯抹角’的替换也是屡见不鲜。C14 T1 P2的Question 17,题目是an explanation of the potential savings a bike-sharing scheme would bring. 由文章标题‘The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world’可以看出,整篇文章围绕bike-sharing schemes在进行论述,所以该题中的定位词只有potential savings,意为‘a certain amount of money that you probably do not need to spend’ (可能会省下一笔开销)。这道题在原文的定位处在C段的‘I made serious calculations. It turned out that a white bicycle- per person, per kilometre - would cost the municipality only 10% of what it contributed to public transport per person per kilometre.’ (我做过精密的计算。市政府对白色单车每人每公里的资金投入,只占其对公共交通每人每公里投入的10%)。原文并没有直接把potential savings进行同义或近义替换,比如写成it would save a certain amount of money, 而是暗示出相比于原本投入在公共交通的资金,投入在共享单车的资金只占了10%,要少得多,也就是可以省下一笔支出,即为potential savings。
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