

作者:李学萍 2019-07-03 18:00 来源:哈尔滨编辑

作者:李学萍 新航道武汉学校雅思口语讲师,口译翻译硕士,通过英语专业八级。学员管理经验丰富,对待学生热情严谨,善于把控不同学员的心理动态,根据学员的基础和性格特点丰富课堂教学内容及形式。




雅思口语part3紧接在part2 之后,一般话题于part3 基本一致。由于其问题相对来说比较抽象,且考官有自由提问题的权利,一直是烤鸭的一个“痛点”。甚至一些烤鸭也觉得没有什么规律可循,准备在考场上freestyle 算了,消极备考part3。这对于口语成绩来说影响很大,因为雅思口语的分数评定都是按照三个部分的表现打分的。而part3问题在出题方式,题目类型上也是有一定的规律可循的。雅思口语part3 按照题目类型有7大类,即利弊类,变化类,对策类,观点类,国情类,原因类,重要类。而本文主要会讲到的是利弊类问题的答题思路及真题分析。



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一. 利弊类问题题型及回答思路


1)Do you think it’s good … 你认为…好不好?


当考官问某个事物好不好的时候,往往期待考生能够给出这个事物的优点和缺点。考生的答案长度有所保证,符合评分标准“speak at length”。同时,能够多角度思考问题可以避官追问对立面时无话可说的尴尬局面。


常见回答形式:I suppose there are both benefits and drawbacks regarding this issue. For benefits, I ‘d say+ 优点, as for drawbacks, I ‘d say +缺点。 From my perspective, I consider that there are both pros and cons regarding this issue. On one hand + 优点, on the other hand+缺点.


2)Is it better to do A or B  A和B哪一个更好?




常见回答形式:I guess both of them have their merits. When It comes to…, having said that, … is also a good choice simply for the reason that…  


3)  what are the advantages and disadvantages of 分析某事物的优点和缺点?




常见回答形式:in my opinion, there are both pros and cons regarding this issue. For pros, I’d say +优点;As for cons, I’d say+ 缺点 .


二.  真题练习


1. According to you, is it good to live in a tall building?


Sample answer: I suppose there are both benefits and drawbacks regarding this issue. For benefits, I ‘d say high-rises give residents unobstructed scenic views. Along with the views, it gives you excellent natural ventilation and fresh air, as for drawbacks, when living in one of the upper levels of the apartment building, taking the stairs is often not an option. It always seems like the elevator takes forever to get to your floor if you are running late for work.  If you are running really late, the elevator will inevitably stop on every floor on the way down.


2. Is it good to shop in street market?


Sample answer: I suppose there are both benefits and drawbacks regarding this issue. For benefits, it allows you to get access to some vendors and bargaining with them seems interesting. as for drawbacks, some stuff are of poor quality without any guarantee.  


3. Is it good to give children money as gift?


Sample answer: I suppose there are both benefits and drawbacks regarding this issue. For benefits, it raises people’s awareness of managing money at early age. As for drawbacks, they may become a little bit superficial and start to compare with their peers.


4. Is it good to tell children to join competitions?


Sample answer: I suppose there are both benefits and drawbacks regarding this issue. For benefits, it motivates children to work harder to achieve their goals. If they join the competitions, they will have the desire to win, which is an excellent motivator.  As for drawbacks, they may feel stressed or agitated whenever they fail the competitions.


5. Is it good to take planting as a job?


Sample answer: I suppose there are both benefits and drawbacks regarding this issue. For benefits, it is a kind of steady job and employees don’t need to deal with complex relationship. As for drawbacks, it seems a little bit boring, since most of time they need to do repetitive work.


6. Do you think it’s good to be good-looking?


Sample answer: I suppose there are both benefits and drawbacks regarding this issue. For benefits, being charming is an effective way to draw people’s attention especially for celebrities. As for drawbacks, it’s common for people to have stereotype towards pretty ladies or handsome man, they may own their success to their appearance rather than their talents or diligence.  


7. Is it better to work as a lawyer or a policeman?


Sample answer: I guess both of them have their merits. When it comes to a lawyer, it’s a respected and well-paid profession. Having said that, being employed as a policeman is also a good choice simply for the reason that it’s a noble profession. Policemen are the people who are willing to risk their lives to maintain order and peace, so a lot of communities see them with respect and admiration.


10. Do you think it’s better to study alone or with others?


Sample answer: I guess both of them have their merits. When it comes to studying alone, it’s much easier for people to concentrate on their study and nothing can distract them. Having said that, studying with others is also a good choice simply for the reason that people can help each other whenever they are in need. Plus studying in groups can cultivate their team spirits and interpersonal skills.


11. what are the advantages and disadvantages of playing outdoor sports?


Sample answer: In my opinion, there are both pros and cons regarding this issue. For pros, I’d say doing outdoor sports enable people to keep fit and release pressure ;as for cons, I’d say poor coaching may cause serious injuries.


12. what are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city?


Sample answer: In my opinion, there are both pros and cons regarding this issue. For pros, I’d say it brings residents a lot of convenience like well-developed facilities;as for cons, I’d say intense competition and emerging environmental problems like poor air quality may drive me up to the wall.




考官在part3 的问题很灵活,只要和主题相关就好。但是一开始的问题往往还是在官方题卡上的,当考生回答这些问题后,考官会根据考生的答案问后续问题。而考生如果能够对于题型有所了解的话,能够更快给出有理有据的答案,避官挑考生语言中的逻辑漏洞提问,做到知己知彼,百战不殆!


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