I feel really comfortable in rainy days, ‘cause the rain makes me calm and peaceful.
I love listening to the rain while I’m lying on my bed. And it’s usually cool in rainy days, so you could imagine how comfortable I am when it’s raining in hot summer. And the best part of rainy days is, I could see pretty rainbows when the rain stops, and when I see a double rainbow, I would be so thrilled ‘cause I strongly believe that it means something good would happen to me. Plus, the smell in the air is just so refreshing. I remember there’s a word for it, um… petrichor, is that right? Well, anyway, I’ve always wanted to buy a perfume that has the same smell, but I never found one.
Besides, I think the rivers and lakes are the most gorgeous when it’s raining, ‘cause the ripples are irregular but look so artistic, just like a painting.
And in rainy days, I could have an unusual experience in the mountain. You know, mountains tend to be foggy after the rain. All the leaves and flowers are covered with raindrops. It makes me feel that there’re fairies living out there. No wonder that there are so many Chinese poems about mountains in rainy days.
还有一些小朋友有着神奇的爱好,就是喜欢看雨中没打伞的人群在拼命奔跑躲雨… 如果你也有这种癖好,不妨分享一下,万一雅思考官有共鸣呢:
And I have a funny and weird habit. I love storm. Maybe it’s hard to understand, but I really love the sound of the raindrops. And I love to see people running in the heavy rain without an umbrella, I know it’s a little evil and perverted, but I just couldn’t help it.)
petrichor = the earthy scent produced when rain falls on dry soil.
(it's) no/ little/ small wonder (that)… = it is not surprising 例如:
It is little wonder (that) she was so upset.
No wonder you're tired, you've been walking for hours.
perverted = not thought to be normal or acceptable by most people 例如:
sexual acts, normal and perverted
She was having difficulty following his perverted logic.
They clearly take a perverted delight in watching others suffer.
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