雅思口语题库有这样一个题目,让描述“你知道的一个政治人物”。关于这个话题,我想来说一说历史上著 名女政治家——武则天。武则天是中国历史上唯 一的一位女皇,她即位的时候已经67岁了,是中国历史上寿命最长的皇帝之一。除了政治,她在文学方面也颇有建树,她写的诗被《全唐诗》中收录了46首,除此之外,她还精通书法,对后世有着深远的影响。
本期Part 2 话题
Describe a politician you know.
You should say:
Who the person is
What his/her duties are
What he/she did
And how you feel about the person.
雅思口语Part 2:描述你知道的一位政治人物! 中国历史上唯 一一位正统女皇帝,历史功绩,昭昭于世!
Wu Zetian, a woman who rose from a lowly concubine to become the only female Empress of China. Wu Zetian was born in a wealthy merchant family. Unlike other girls of her time, she received a good education and was taught to read, write and to play music. Also, she showed her ambitions when she was little. Compared with traditional women's pursuits, politics fascinated her the most. She went to great lengths to learn about politics.
She was an intelligent and very good empress. During her fifteen-year reign as ruler of China, she contributed to China’s prosperity. Many of her social reforms made China a prosperous and powerful country. She surrounded herself with competent and talented people by promoting people based on their abilities rather than by their family history. In the modern era, she has been the subject of a wide variety of books, films, and television shows. Some of them have gained international fame. She also produced a fair amount of literature herself, some of which is still studied.
1.prosperity n. 繁荣
2.competent adj. 很有能力的
3.fame n. 名声
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