What’s the difference between the reading habit of young and old people?(老幼年龄差异)Young people are inclined to read e-books, which can be easily to download whatever they want. Meanwhile, elderly people seem to prefer traditional print books, since reading on the computer too much can lead to eyestrain(/'aɪ,streɪn/视疲劳). What’s more, young people are commonly under huge pressure because of heavy workload, so they don’t have enough time to do some readings. Many young people choose to squeeze time to read. On the other hand, the old generation can spend much longer time on a book, and savor it (细品).
What’s the difference between men and women in buying things?Well, I think, generally speaking, women enjoy shopping more than men. They don’t mind wandering around (徘徊)many different shops because they find(觉得) it enjoyable to just look at the things on sale, and trying on clothes and seeing what new products are being offered. For men, they are usually more impatient and direct. They probably dislike crowds or other people, standing in line to pay for something or traveling between a shop and their home. They’d rather just be able to purchase what they want without the fuss and bother(纷扰忙乱). For them, home delivery (送货上门) is ideal because they can buy something without even leaving the house.(对比法)
除此之外,我们可以换一种思维方式,跳脱出考官给我们设立的“二选一”,给出题目以外的“第三种”甚至更多的可能性。这一方法的关键在于找出和问题之间本质的连接。其实认真分析上面两个问题我们会发现,老年人和年轻人不一定会有本质性的阅读差异,阅读差异其实和一个人的年龄没有jue对的关联关系。阅读习惯的产生跟一个人的家庭环境,或者性格其实也会有或多或少的联系。同理,男人和女人在购物上也有重合的部分,如果非要分开解读,反而有“刻板印象”的桎梏。不妨跳出考官设定的框架,自己主动建立新的框架体系,以不同的视角重新解构题目。具体可用到的句式为:It has nothing to do with genders/ ages与... 性别/年龄无关,当然with后面也可以加其他需要对比的事物。
Do you think students who just graduate should have the same income as old people?(你觉得就收入来讲,年轻人和老年人应该有差异吗?)
这个时候,我们可以跳脱出年纪的框架,直接回应我觉得差异性与年龄层无关,但是与其他层面(智力,工作职位,领域,给公司带来的效益等)有关,依次展开进行论述。即:高科技产业(AI,big data, IT等)中年轻人更胜一筹;而传统行业(需要积累工作经验)中,有多年从业经验的老员工则在在薪酬上更具优势。I think it depends on the area of work they do rather than the years of experiences. Some talented young people like working in high tech industries, they can create something new, thus generate a bigger profit than elder people, so it's okay for them to earn more than the elder employees. Maybe in some traditional industries, like doctors and lawyers, is still common to see elders earn a higher salary than younger ones.
What’s the difference between the reading habit of young and old people?
可以先简要回答一下generally speaking,通常情况下的老少差异。
然后话锋一转,说我觉得读书习惯的差异其实和年龄没有太大关系。一个人阅读习惯的养成其实取决于很多因素。比如家庭背景backgrounds,如果这个人出生在一个喜欢读书且有读书氛围的家庭(study in the happy atmosphere),不管他年纪多大,都会利用平常碎片的时间来阅读(to read in fragmented time/ they’d squeeze time to read)。
还取决于这个人自身的阅读喜好(personal preference),有的人喜欢读纸质书(printed books),用纸张或笔记本边读边做读书笔记,有的人喜欢用电子产品阅读(e-books),比如ipad,或者Kindle。
我认为这也有年龄无关,因为我周围有很多朋友和同学,虽然是年轻一代(young generation),但也会习惯读纸质书籍。此外,还取决于这个人喜欢什么种类(genre)的书。有的人喜欢科幻小说(sci-fi),有的是喜欢恐怖小说或言情小说。(也可以说在中国,大家都喜欢阅读商务类或者教育类的书籍。In China, educational and business books are really hot-sellers很畅销,more and more people are interested in self-help books自我提升类的书籍.)
What’s the difference between men and women in buying things?
可以先简要回答一下generally speaking,通常情况下的男女差异。
然后话锋一转,说我觉得买东西的差异其实和性别没有太大关系(避免gender discrimination)。
取决于个人的喜好。有的人比较追求性价比(cost-efficient),不太关注产品的外表,在乎这个东西能否用得久(can last longer/ be durable)。有的人,即便是男生,也会赶时髦(follow the trend/ fancy/ trendy/ stylish products),买新款的产品(the latest model)。此外,还可能取决于个人的消费习惯(spending habits/ consumption behavior),有的人比较节俭,平时存钱为了买更好的东西,就不会在日常中有太大的花销。(frugal: 节约的节俭的(褒义词)
Frugal people who live a simple life don’t shop for fun. They save up for bigger purchases. They are money-careful with spending.)
可以用此类方法解决的本季度的话题还有:Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?(自私与智商没有本质的联系)Are smarter people happier than others?(快乐与智商没有本质的联系)Do you think older people like the same music as young people?(音乐与年龄没有本质的联系)What’s the difference between the toys that boys and girls like?(玩具和性别没有本质的联系)。
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