1、Introducing the topic:
"In today's society, [topic] has become a hotly debated issue."
"The issue of [topic] has gained widespread attention in recent years."
"As our world becomes increasingly [adjective], the topic of [topic] has become more relevant than ever."
Introducing the topic: 这个句型用于引入文章的主题,可以用一些常见的话题引入,例如社会上的热点问题,近年来备受关注的问题,或者是与当前社会趋势相关的话题等等。
2、Stating your thesis:
"In this essay, I will argue that [your stance on the topic]."
"After careful consideration, I firmly believe [your stance on the topic]."
"It is clear to me that [your stance on the topic] is the most logical and reasonable position to take."
Stating your thesis: 这个句型用于简洁明了地表达你的观点和立场。你可以使用 “I will argue that…”,或者“After careful consideration, I firmly believe…” 等句型来表达你的立场。
3、Presenting evidence:
"According to [source], [evidence]."
"Studies have shown that [evidence]."
"As [expert] has pointed out, [evidence]."
Presenting evidence: 这个句型用于引用相关的证据来支持你的观点。你可以使用 “According to…” 或者 “Studies have shown that…” 等句型来引用专业性的数据和研究成果。
4、Addressing counterarguments:
"While some may argue [counterargument], it is important to consider [response to counterargument]."
"Although there are those who believe [counterargument], the evidence suggests otherwise."
"While [counterargument] may be valid in some cases, it does not hold up when considering [response to counterargument]."
Addressing counterarguments: 这个句型用于回应可能存在的反对意见。你可以使用类似 “While some may argue…” 或者 “Although there are those who believe…” 的句型来针对反对意见进行回应,然后提出自己的观点。
5、Concluding your essay:
"In conclusion, [restate thesis and summarize main points]."
"Ultimately, it is clear that [your stance on the topic] is the most reasonable and logical position to take."
"As we move forward, it is important to remember the importance of [topic] and continue to strive for [desired outcome]."
Concluding your essay: 这个句型用于总结文章的内容和结论。你可以使用 “In conclusion…” 或者 “Ultimately, it is clear that…” 等句型来总结文章的内容,并再次强调自己的观点和结论。