
哈尔滨编辑 2024-03-14 16:11


01 Plant

【常用解释】n.植物;v. 种植【生僻释义】n.工厂

【例句】By the late 1990s some 70 geothermal electric-generating plants were in operation in California. (TPO 21-1 Geothermal Energy)

【解析】plant作为“工厂”的含义,很多人都不熟悉,比如这句话中的electric。-generating plants的意思是“发电厂”。总之,大约70个地热发电厂在20世纪90年代末在加州运行。

02 Spell


【例句】Escape involves such actions as aestivation, a condition of prolonged dormancy, or torpor, during which animals reduce their metabolic rate and body temperature during the hot season or during very dry spells(TPO 26-2 Survival of Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions)

【解析】在托福阅读中,spell会考察它作为名词的意思,“一段时间”。这句话中的very。 dry spells解释为干燥时间。


03 Might


【例句】As always, there are the power worshippers, especially among historians, who are predisposed to admire whatever is strong, who feel more attracted to the might of Rome than to the subtlety of Greece. (TPO 7-2 Ancient Rome and Greece)

【解析】might可以作为名词,意思是威力。例如military might,武装力量;或者with all one's might,尽力而为。这句话被理解为:一如既往,有很多力量的崇拜者,尤其是历史学家。他们倾向于钦佩一切强大的东西,他们会被罗马的力量所吸引,而不是希腊的精致。

04 Fine



【例句】In other cases, the finer particles may be removed, while the sand-sized particles are accumulated to form mobile hills or ridges of sand. (TPO 2-1 Desert Formation)

【解析】在托福阅读中,fine经常被考察到“微小颗粒”的含义,在地质学的文章中,particle通常会被修改, grain等。,表示微小的颗粒。整句话的意思是,在其他情况下,那些较小的颗粒可能会被移走,但沙粒大小的颗粒会聚集起来,形成移动的山或沙丘。

05 Address



【例句】She began to address more ambitious themes in her dances such as The Sea, in which her dancers invisibly agitated a huge expanse of silk, played upon by colored lights(OG8 Loie Fuller)

【解析】address作“处理”的含义,常与之相关。‹task, problem›匹配。句子中,in which her dancers…是介词提前定语从句,修饰The。 Sea; played upon by colored lights作为后置定语,修饰a huge expanse of silk.


06 Intimate



【例句】People who had an intimate knowledge of the behavior of wild cattle moved closer together to cooperate in taming the herd, regardless of where they found them. (TPO 28-2 Early Saharan Pastoralists)

【解析】intimate 除了“亲密”的定义之外,还有大家不熟悉的“详细”含义。常用的短语是tohaveanintimate。 knowledgeofsomething,我对某件事了如指掌。这个用法就是这句话里的intimate。整句话理解为:对野牛行为了如指掌的人,无论兽在哪里被发现,都搬到一起驯化兽群。

07 Work



【例句】Hence a writing tablet dated 25 April tells of 343 menat one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operatingkilns, digging clay, and working lead.(TPO 19-1 The Roman Army's Impact on Britain)


08 Exercise


【例句】They exercised an influence far in excess of their numbers.(TPO46-2 The Commercial Revolution in Medieval Europe)

【解析】exercise 常见的含义是名词或动词的“锻炼”。在托福阅读中,“执行和使用”的含义经常被检查,常见的搭配是toexercise considerableoragreatdealofinfluenceoversb./sth.或toexerciserciser对某人/某事有很大影响。 careindoing[something]小心做点什么。这个句子理解为,它们的影响力远远超过它们的人口。








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