解答2021年9-12月新题Describe a person who offer a clever a solution to a problem
管理部 袁茵
You should say:
Who this person is
What the problem was
How he/she solved it
And explain why you think he/she did it in a clever way
1. 话题关键词多
Describe a person who offer a clever a solution to a problem. 其中的关键词有:clever、solution以及problem三个关键词。对比以往的题目:describe a business man; describe a singer; describe a person you admired大多都是只有一个关键词。所以当遇到关键信息很多的时候同学们就会乱了阵脚。但只要静下心来,就会发现,我们只需要描述的是问题本身(problem),以及如何解决的问题(clever solution)就可以。
2. 题目类别偏向事件类
为了回答本题,我们首先需要确定一个problem以及一个clever solution。本题的problem并不需要多么严峻的问题,可以是生活中的一个小问题,例如:减肥; 搬家;装修;也可以是学习或工作中遇到的难题,例如:背单词;工作太多没法按时完成。
今天我们用decoration来举个例子,首先我们确定好了核心关键词:decoration,其次需要思考:装修时遇到了什么问题,例如:when decorating home, he/ she found that all of the furniture that sold in the market are not his/ her type. And the prices of those furniture are really expensive. (装修的时候没有相中的家具,并且家具的价格非常昂贵)
普通人: for others or perhaps for me, when we meet this kind of problem, we will probably just buy some furniture randomly or purchase the cheaper ones.
主人公:but when he/she comes to this problem, he/ she really used an intelligent way to solve it. Because instead of buying furniture, he/ she chose to make them by himself/ herself. You know, DIY furniture, that’s incredible. He/ she just collected some used papers and then made a paper chair, very useful and creative. Plus, he/ she remodified an old bookshelf into a bedside table. But actually, what impressed me most is that he/she made a bed for himself/ herself by using the old closet. I really admire him/ her, and I think in this way he/ she not only can have his/ her favorite furniture, but also gain lots of hands-on experience about DIY furniture. In addition, making furniture by ourselves is a wise way to save money, especially for students like me.
Speaking of this topic, I’d like to talk about one of my roommates when I was in college.
After we graduated from school, we all needed to find our own places to live or at least rent our own spots. when everything was settled down, there was another problem, she needed to decorate the room by herself, but when she looked for the furniture, she found that all of the furniture that sold in the market are not her type. And the prices of those furniture are expensive.
For others or perhaps for me, when we meet this kind of problem, we will probably just buy some furniture randomly or purchase the cheaper ones, however when she faced this problem, she really used an intelligent way to solve it. Because instead of buying furniture, she chose to make them by himself/ herself. You know, DIY furniture, that’s incredible. She just collected some used papers and then made a paper chair, very useful and creative. Plus, she remodified an old bookshelf into a bedside table. But actually, what impressed me most is that she made a bed for herself by using the old closet. I really admire her, and I think in this way she not only can have her favorite furniture, but also gain lots of hands-on experience about DIY furniture. In addition, making furniture by herself is a wise way to save money, especially for green hands in workplace like me.
And these are the reasons why I think she had a clever solution.
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